Lighting Projects
Just Add Water Live-to-Tape
The BCIT TV class of 2014 teamed up with Vancouver Community College's Just Add Water, a Earth, Wind, and Fire cover band, to produce a live-to-tape music show.
The lighting design consisted of:
- x8 PAR64
- x20 Source Four Elipsoidal
Rose gel was used on front and back lights
Blue and orange gel was uses to differentiate between day and night sets.
Beach House Theatre Society
The Beach House Theatre Society (BHTS) is based out of Crescent Beach, BC. For one week each summer, the BHTS sets up on the shoreline of Mud Bay at Crescent Beach.
In 2013 the BHTS presented Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Working with the technical director I assisted in creating the lighting design for the show. For the first half of the show natural light was complemented with our stage lighting, and in the second half of the show our stage lighting took over.
Photos by Sebastien Galina